A team of highly qualified passion teachers who have immersed their life in embodiment and service.
We are truely thrilled to hold this space for you!


Brooke Lila Devi

Yoga Philosophy & Hatha

“I believe we fall in love with this practice for the strength of the warriors and the softness in child’s pose. But what keeps us in love, is on the days that we practice, we notice that there is something different about how we view ourselves and the world around us.”

Brooke is a devoted yoga student, storyteller and seeker of all philosophies that inspire more depth to love and life. Brooke has completed over 1000 hours of yoga teacher trainings including Hatha, Ashtanga vinyasa, Traditional Mysore, Ayurveda, Tantra and yogic philosophy studies. Her passion is to bring yoga to life off the mat through mythology and story and creating yoga journeys that ripple beyond body and shape.

“This practice has always shown me what is possible. It has taught me to dig deeper into the dwelling space of my heart and to take great responsibility of how I spend my precious time here in this life.”

350hr Hatha yoga teacher training, 200hr Ashtanga vinyasa yoga teacher training, 300hr Tantric yoga teacher training, 200hr advanced anatomy training, 9 month traditional Mysore apprenticeship, reiki practitioner, certified Ayurvedic massage therapist


Jacqui Shakti Rose

Creative Vinyasa Flow & Personal Growth

“As a teacher trainer, my intention is to create a fun, safe and sacred space where people can learn how to let go of fear, teach from love and truely step into their own power. It’s more than becoming a yoga teacher, its about awakening the authentic and whole you.”

Jacqui’s yoga journey commenced in 2009 when she first discovered Bikram yoga and the benefits of Asana. After a challenging time living abroad, Jacqui returned to Australia on a deeper quest of self healing and yoga therapy. This is when she did her initial teacher training and devoted her life to giving and sharing the practice of yoga.
Jacqui has completed trainings in Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa, Trauma Informed Yoga, Ayurvedic Studies, Yin, DEVĪ Studies, The Subtle Body and Manual Assists. She has a deep love for mindful movement and relaxing Yin practices, however her passion for teaching is in creative Vinyasa flows where she draws inspiration from a range of different movement techniques and other various styles of yoga. She has travelled globally, teaching, training and practicing yoga within a variety of cultures. Now she brings an attitude of self-discovery, self-love, self-expression, fun and consciousness to her teachings.

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” Brené Brown

200hr Power Vinyasa, 200hr Yoga & Ayurvedic Studies, 50hr Trauma Informed & Mental Health Yoga. 100hr Yoga Assist. 50hr Personal Development as a Yoga Teacher, 25hr Yin & Chakras, 50hr DEVī Self Study, 50hr Subtle Body Practices, 40hr Ceremonial Cacao Facilitation, Spiritus Breathwork & Somatic Release Facilitation, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master

Dr Dan

Anatomy & Physiology

Dr Dan has his Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Science, Master's Degree in Osteopathic Medicine, Certificates III & IV in Fitness & Personal Training and Certified Intro & Advanced Dry Needling practitioner.

Dr Dan has a love for different movement modalities including outdoor adventures, yoga, breath work and functional movement classes. He draws upon his love for diversity in movement to approach and understanding functional anatomy and physiology.

“Osteopathy and health consulting gives me an opportunity to help you and others within a community with the management and reduction of pain in both the short and long term. It allows me to give something back to the community and I am proud of the impact this has to help many people’s lives.”

Dylan Smith

Dylan Smith is a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and holistic health educator based in Sydney, Australia, where he runs and operates the Vital Veda clinic for patients and for anyone who desires to enhance their wellness.

Aimed at uncovering the root cause of ailments, Dylan shares wisdom through his podcast, teaching programs and travels the world to share his holistic passion, to teach patients to effortlessly integrate foundational techniques into their daily life so they can thrive.
He enjoys travelling the globe offering consultations and education programs to various cultures and backgrounds with inspirational relevancy. Applying principles of Natural Law to dynamic cultures and communities.

Regularly travelling to India to train with an internationally renowned family of Ayurvedic doctors, Dylan is devoted to learning, sharing and radiating this ancient knowledge for everyone to utilise and enjoy, to experience total wellness and bliss.